Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney (1939 to 2024)
18th Prime Minister in Canadian history. This program covers his complex legacy with all the highs and some lows. Free Trade Agreement to Meech Lake Accord and the GST that is still being collected today just to mention a few. A state funeral is scheduled for Saturday MarchExmo. Sr. Brian Mulroney (1939 a 2024)
Exmo. Sr. Brian Mulroney (1939 a 2024)
18º Primeiro-Ministro da história do Canadá. Este programa abrange o seu complexo legado com todos os pontos altos e baixos. O Acordo de Comércio Livre, o Acordo de Meech Lake e o imposto sobre o valor acrescentado (GST), que ainda hoje é cobrado, só para citar alguns exemplos. O funeral de Estado está marcado para sábado, 23 de março, em Montreal.
Up Next in Season 5
Mark Maloney
The Toronto Mayors....
Mark Maloney interview regarding his book on all the mayors Toronto has had thus far. Mr. Maloney in this book exposes the good, bad and ugly of all 66 mayors Toronto has had thus far. Find out about the elite and the mayor of the day that was running Toronto from a luxury ... -
Barry Green
The effects from the Israel/Palestine conflict...
Barry Green gives us a glimpse through his camera a true sense of what is really happened over in Israel. You will be stunned by Barry's images and footage of the aftermath so far. You also get a one-on-one personal real feeling from this program.... -
Tiffany Janzen
Tiffany Janzen, the founder of Tiff In Tech is our special guest. She has broadcast over 600 programs on AI and what's new in technology. She will answer many questions when it comes to coding and AI nuances. A YouTube and social media influencer.
Tiffany Janzen, a fundadora da Tiff In Te...