The effects from the Israel/Palestine conflict...
Barry Green gives us a glimpse through his camera a true sense of what is really happened over in Israel. You will be stunned by Barry's images and footage of the aftermath so far. You also get a one-on-one personal real feeling from this program.
Os efeitos do conflito Israel/Palestina...
Barry Green dá-nos um vislumbre, através da sua câmara, do que realmente se passa em Israel. Ficará surpreendido com as imagens e filmagens de Barry sobre as consequências do conflito até à data. Este programa proporciona-lhe também um sentimento pessoal e real.
Up Next in Season 5
Tiffany Janzen
Tiffany Janzen, the founder of Tiff In Tech is our special guest. She has broadcast over 600 programs on AI and what's new in technology. She will answer many questions when it comes to coding and AI nuances. A YouTube and social media influencer.
Tiffany Janzen, a fundadora da Tiff In Te...
Sully's Gym and museum
Sully's Gym and museum... Earl Sully Sullivan was an institution with the youth of Toronto for many years when it comes to keeping kids off the street with boxing. A humanitarian who's helped our youth and much more. His legacy lives on through the efforts of Phil Pereira and Joe Manteiga who
are... -
Dr. Rebecca Finlason-Harper
Dr. Rebecca Finlason-Harper is our special quest discussing Family Values and the family compact. She will discuss with us her non profit institute for family values that will be coming soon to Ontario. Her in-depth knowledge and advice is well worth catching her interview with us.
Dra. Re...