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Tiffany Janzen

Opinião • 21m

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  • Benefits of Coffee

    Coffee is more than just a morning ritual—it’s a cultural phenomenon, a social connector, and a source of endless debate about its benefits and risks. In this special episode of Insights with Vince, host Vince Nigro sits down with expert barista Guray Gul and other coffee enthusiasts to explore t...

  • Albino Silva - Insights with Vince N...

    In this captivating episode of *Insights with Vince*, Vince Nigro welcomes a rare and exclusive guest, renowned chef and entrepreneur Albino Silva. Known as a culinary icon in North America, Albino Silva’s restaurants have garnered acclaim for their exceptional quality, creativity, and homage to ...

  • Organização

    Neste primeiro episódio da nova temporada de Healthy Bites, a nutricionista Ana Lucas Rebelo traz uma abordagem diferente para quem deseja melhorar os seus hábitos alimentares e, ao mesmo tempo, a sua organização diária. Ana explica como a produtividade e a gestão do tempo são cruciais para conse...